Emoji Recycling Center

Upgrades, Milestones, & Info

Black Pixel Count:
NameValueNext ValueCostBuy
Tool Strength
Tool Size
Opening Size
Progress: ?/758
Auto Advance
Max Opening
Water Jets
Play time: ?
Ambient SFX Audio in bg Shake
Alternate Cursor Alternate Background
Emojipedia link for current emoji
r/incremental_games Discord
If you enjoy this open source game, please consider
making a donation to your favorite charity and
letting me know about it on discord.
Welcome to the Emoji Recycling Center!
Select an emoji in the map below to begin the recycling process.
You can select a different emoji at any time but your progress on the current emoji WILL BE LOST!
Use your recycling tool (via your mouse or finger) to disassemble your selected emoji by hovering over pixels.
If you get stuck on a mobile device, touching the recycling area with two fingers will reset the zoom.
As you collect pixels from the emoji, you will be able to increase your recycling efficiency.
Black pixels allow you to purchase upgrades.
Colored pixels increase your strength against other colors.
Red improves green strength.
Green improves blue strength.
Blue improves red strength.
Brighter pixels are harder to recycle than darker pixels.
Please recycle all 758 emojis!
Are you sure you want to reset?
Congratulations! You've recycled all the emojis!
Wow! You really did it! You recycled all 758 emojis!
It only took you !